User report rights - assign/remove

To assign or remove a user's report rights:

  1. Double-click Setup and Manage.
  2. Double-click User IDs to display the list of users on the right side of the window.

    User IDs list of available users

  3. Double-click on the user for whom you want to assign or remove menu rights.

    The User IDs\[user ID] window opens.

    User IDs Report Rights tab

  4. Click on the Report Rights tab to display it.
  5. (Optional) Click the All button to select all reports at once.
  6. (Optional) Click the None button to deselect all reports at once.
  7. Click on each report right you want to assign to the user.

    A check mark indicates that the right has been selected.

    To remove a report right, click on it to remove the check mark.

    A blank box indicates that the right is no longer selected.

  8. Click the Save button to save the assignments.